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Take care of your addiction patients & their data

Our software makes it easy to create individualized treatment plans, measure outcomes, and track progress throughout a patient’s journey in addiction recovery—especially when that recovery isn’t always a straight line.

Evaluation, assessment & diagnosis

Our addiction medicine EHR software gives providers the tools to evaluate each patient’s individual needs, and perform an assessment of the severity of substance abuse. Once the information is in the EHR, our algorithms help providers determine the correct diagnosis for each patient. Working with addiction patients requires specialized and individualized care, since each patient’s journey through their treatment will be a little different. Use our customizable templates to quickly enter level of care (LOC) information and start mapping out care plans for each person.

Access a comprehensive library of assessment tools to determine each patient’s care needs and quantitatively measure success.

Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment (ANSA)

Brief Addiction Monitor with Scoring & Clinical Guidelines (BAM)

Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)

Daily Living Activities (DLA-20)

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS 21)

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)

Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES-11)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7)

Interpersonal Relationships Questionnaire (FIAT-Q-SF)

Leeds Dependence Questionnaire (LDQ)

Major Depression Inventory (MDI)

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-4, PHQ-9, PHQ-15)

Personal Drinking Questionnaire (SOCRATES 8A)

PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5)

Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure (DSM-5)

Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD)

Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS)

You can also access tools for adolescent assessments

ACE Questionnaire

Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)

Child and Adolescent Disruptive Behavior Inventory

Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)

Leeds Dependence Questionnaire (LDQ)

Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse (CRAFFT)

Severity Measure for Depression – Child age 11–17 (PHQ-A)

Measure progress & adjust treatment plans

Connect patient diagnosis and medication information in our EHR to specific outcome measurement tools to get accurate and updated information on a patient’s relative risk score. As people go through their addiction treatment, providers can easily update information in the patient record to reflect current goals. Adjust level of care of service frequency, and filter the information to see patient treatment plans by day, week, month, quarter, or year in a single view.

Support for outcomes-based addiction care

Documenting clinical encounters is critical for all providers, but it is especially important in addiction medicine. Payors and regulators closely monitor addiction treatment to determine how providers are using data to evaluate patient progress and inform changes in care. There is a significant shift in addiction treatment toward outcomes-based care, which means adjusting treatment according to each patient’s unique needs. Providers need accurate and up-to-date information about the patient’s goals and care objectives to do this.

Document key objectives of addiction patient care

Providers can use AdvancedMD addiction medicine EHR software to document key objectives of care. Our software makes it easy to collect this information at the first encounter, then update it regularly throughout a patient’s treatment. Analytics tools help providers evaluate whether the patient is progressing as expected. If not, you can adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

Track patient progress for:

  • Improving quality of life
  • Reducing symptom severity
  • Increasing functional status for daily living

Audit patient records & meet compliance requirements with EHR reporting

With the tools in our addiction medicine EHR you can quickly access all the information you need to report on patient outcomes and treatment. Conduct chart audits to check for clinical improvements on an individual patient basis, or for large patient populations. Get tools to report on patient outcomes in a HIPAA-compliant way, helping you meet CMS and commercial payor requirements and industry guidelines for Joint Commission accreditation. Our robust EHR reporting tools ensure regulatory compliance without jeopardizing patient privacy.

Seamless integrations with external providers & facilities

Addiction medicine providers often need to coordinate care with a PCP or other specialists. AdvancedMD makes it easy to share information with providers outside your practice, or import medical history and care information into a patient’s record, including drug screenings, panel tests, and lab reports. We have existing application programming interfaces (APIs) with the most common software programs, or we can build a custom API based on your needs.

The seamless data sharing feature also ensures that addiction medicine outpatient providers can get information following patient discharge if they are admitted to an inpatient facility for addiction recovery or care. This information ensures timely follow-up for ongoing care with patients who are in and out of inpatient addiction recovery facilities.

Electronic prescribing & medication management

For patients who need prescription medication as part of their treatment plan, AdvancedMD makes it easy to manage all their information in a single place. Quickly see medications the patient is taking—including those prescribed by another specialist, a PCP, or a provider during an inpatient stay. Reconcile medication lists with your treatment plans and get alerts for possible medication interactions or allergies.

Use our e-prescribing tools to perform all necessary database checks for Schedule I substances before prescribing. Then send prescriptions electronically to the patient’s preferred pharmacy, including online prescription refill programs.

Our EHR for addiction medicine also includes electronic medication administration records (eMAR). Distribute, track, and reorder medications specific to addiction care within your clinic as needed. The system automatically alerts you to potential errors, minimizing the risk of administering the wrong medications. It also shortens medication documentation time for providers, and allows you to quickly print reports to view medication usage.

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Automated EHR alerts

Get alerts unique to each patient’s treatment within the patient’s record. Our software uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify specific risks or treatment needs, and shares that information with providers before, during, or after a patient encounter. Providers can quickly view and address or dismiss the alerts based on their assessment of the patient’s needs. This evidence-based approach to addiction care ensures that you never miss important information about your patient, and improves care plans throughout the patient’s journey.

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