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Helping Patients Who Struggle to Use Telehealth Technology (Part 1)

When COVID-19 shut down most medical offices and all non-life-threatening medical care (essentially all care outside of the ICU and emergency rooms in some places), many clinics and providers shifted their practices online and started meeting with patients using telehealth or telemedicine visits. Telemedicine software is beneficial and has allowed a significant number of patients … Continued

6 Tech Tips to Quench the Burnout

A recent Mayo Clinic study found a disturbingly high incidence of physician burnout: 54% of doctors reported experiencing at least one symptom of burnout. Doctors experiencing burnout are 40 percent more likely to move to part-time work, and twice as likely to consider leaving their current practice, or medicine altogether. As a result, aspiring young people are … Continued

3 Things that Can Improve Your Clinic’s Workflows Today

Workflows are one of the things that most medical offices know are important, and many don’t spend enough time focusing on them. But some simple adjustments to your workflow—and the right tools in place to augment your staff’s efforts—can significantly improve your ability to see patients, cut down on wait times, and increase clinic revenue. … Continued

Telehealth Challenges & How to Overcome Them in Your Practice (Part 1)

COVID-19 has thrown a lot at the healthcare system and nowhere has that been more obvious than in clinics’ efforts to implement telehealth and telemedicine services. Many were considering it or were using these technologies in some way prior to the pandemic, but the swift change from in-person visit capabilities to online care sped up … Continued

The Benefits of Connecting With Patients Via Text Messaging

We live in an age of precision medicine, robotic technologies, EHRs, patient portals, and telemedicine platforms – technology has improved and streamlined healthcare in so many exciting ways. It can be easy to overlook the fact, therefore, that when it comes to healthcare, older and more elementary digital technologies can be equally effective at helping … Continued

5 Tips for Making Your Medical Practice More Inviting

Keeping your patients happy and healthy is a complicated pursuit. In modern healthcare, this means leveraging electronic health records and other digital tools to promote efficiency and clarity. That said, you can make your practice more inviting and personable for your patients in much more straightforward and subtle ways. Promoting comfort and a warm, familiar atmosphere … Continued

Hitchhikers Guide to Managing a Sustainable Patient Mix

4 Principles to Traversing the Post-COVID Landscape With so many unknowns, we looked for examples of timeless principles, applied in times of crisis and recovery, which made significant long-term impact. We compiled them in this 5th eBook in our Covid-19 Practice Essentials collection. Included are four timeless principals that when applied specifically to optimizing and … Continued

Clinic Operational Efficiency: The Need for Kiosks and Tablets at Check-in

If you have flown on a commercial airline anytime since 2005, chances are you have used a self-service kiosk to check yourself in, get a boarding pass, and maybe even put the tags on your own luggage. Today grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and many other vendors understand how beneficial it can be to let … Continued

3 Ways to Communicate with Your Patients Better

Patient communication is an essential part of every clinical practice. There are plenty of technologies that enable patients and providers to communicate: text, email, patient portal service and phone calls (which remain one of the most-used methods for patients to talk to doctors’ offices). Here are some strategies for making sure you are using all … Continued

Summer Release 2020

Rhythm master suite just got a whole lot smoother. Watch video This release further improves the core AdvancedMD user experience with more unified workflow across all our product tiers. Many features have been refined to give you and your staff faster access, better visibility and more control. All capabilities, features, and enhancements continue to give … Continued

Summer 2020 Release Video

Rhythm master suite just got a whole lot smoother. See what we’ve done to make our Rhythm master suite a whole lot smoother in the release announcement video. This release further improves the core AdvancedMD user experience with more unified workflow across all our product tiers. You’ll learn the many features that have been refined … Continued

“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”

Jed Shay, MD
The Pain Care Center

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“[Our] patients are very well-educated and well-informed, and they want to see results quickly. The practice has to run extremely efficiently and be accessible to them. The nice thing about [AdvancedMD] is it has allowed me to be more efficient both in and out of the office. Now I don’t have to come back into the office, which is great for my family and everything else. It saves me a lot of time – probably an hour a day on the three days I work in the second office.”

Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balanced Health

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Estaban Lavato, MD - La Loma Medical Center

“The best thing I ever did in private practice was getting AdvancedMD—it has liberated me.”

Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center

“Having integrated practice management and EHR is absolutely wonderful, you don’t have to flip back and forth between systems—all of your information is at hand when needed.”

Raju Raval, MD

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