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Tips for streamlining your charting & improving clinical quality.

Don’t Cut Corners When Evaluating Practice Management Software

Practice management software is one of the most integral parts of your entire clinical operation, but far too often providers and office managers—who have a lot on their plates already—don’t put in enough time evaluating software to find the one that truly meets your needs. There are a lot of choices out there, and sometimes … Continued

6 Tech Tips to Quench the Burnout

A recent Mayo Clinic study found a disturbingly high incidence of physician burnout: 54% of doctors reported experiencing at least one symptom of burnout. Doctors experiencing burnout are 40 percent more likely to move to part-time work, and twice as likely to consider leaving their current practice, or medicine altogether. As a result, aspiring young people are … Continued

Checklist for Your Practice to Implement Remote Patient Monitoring (Part 2)

In part one of this blog post, we covered some of the first steps that any practice needs to take before implementing a solution for remote patient monitoring (RPM) as part of your overall telehealth offerings. Those steps include: Identifying whether you have a patient population that could benefit from RPM Outlining workflows to ensure … Continued

Tech Tips to Quench Physician Burnout

A recent study of nearly 7,000 physicians found that half of American doctors exhibit symptoms of burnout. A previous Mayo Clinic study found a similar disturbingly high incidence of physician burnout: 54% of doctors reported experiencing at least one symptom of burnout from the Maslach Burnout Inventory, a validated tool for measuring burnout. Even more alarming, the … Continued

Overcoming Billing Challenges in Your Podiatry Practice

As is the case with many different specialties, getting paid promptly is a challenge in podiatry. Adding to standard medical billing issues is the fact that podiatry practices are often solo practices or small clinics with only a few providers and limited staff to dedicate to podiatry billing. Here are some of the most common … Continued

7 Costly Mistakes in Selecting Medical Office Software

Regardless of practice size or specialty, a typical medical office software buyer claims three common needs for their staff: easy to use, easy to learn and easy to scale. Now that patient engagement is becoming more and more mainstream, the same needs apply to self-service software and apps for patients. Inside this eGuide you’ll find … Continued

3 Data Security Challenges Facing Today’s Healthcare Organizations

Data security is one of the biggest areas of growth and change in the medical field. As more patient data goes digital, there is more opportunity than ever for hackers to target healthcare systems in an effort to steal protected health information (PHI). In 2019 there were a record number of security breaches, almost triple … Continued

Checklist for Your Practice to Implement Remote Patient Monitoring (Part 1)

When you think of telehealth services, you may think of provider visits that are conducted over a video platform; while that is one aspect of telehealth, it’s not the only one. Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is another part of telehealth that can provide both physicians and patients with significant benefits in terms of operational efficiency … Continued

How to Handle EHR Corrections & Avoid Mistakes

There’s no question that EHR systems have a steep learning curve, and even the most patient and careful practitioners are going to misstep once or twice. But while errors are inevitable, it is important to learn not to repeat them. Effective EHR software can help, but attentiveness to administrative tasks is also key. Revising EHR … Continued

Simple Efficiency Strategies & Tools that Allow You to See More Patients

How efficient is your medical practice? From the time you spend stocking your exam rooms because things aren’t in the right place, typing notes about each patient encounter into your EHR software, or trying to find a member of your staff, those minutes add up throughout the day. As more small and independent medical practices … Continued

Summer Release 2020

Rhythm master suite just got a whole lot smoother. Watch video This release further improves the core AdvancedMD user experience with more unified workflow across all our product tiers. Many features have been refined to give you and your staff faster access, better visibility and more control. All capabilities, features, and enhancements continue to give … Continued