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Tips for streamlining your charting & improving clinical quality.

Fall Release ’20

Our upcoming Fall ’20 Release is part of our tri-annual major product release cycle. This video shares what improvements our product team has made to the user experience and infrastructure of our desktop and mobile applications. It’s our goal in this video to show how we are delivering significant enhancements across all areas of clinical, … Continued

Fall Release ’20

Our upcoming Fall 2020 Release is part of our tri-annual major product release cycle. Our phased rollout starts October 29 and ends November 19. AdvancedMD is a customer, market and product-led company, which means we are constantly collecting feedback from our users and community to ensure our offerings are aligned with your expectations and market … Continued

Digitize admin tasks to reduce staff burdens

Craig Cooper, product manager at AdvancedMD, was recently interviewed about how to digitize your practice to boost staff efficiency and decrease wait times. Physicians enter the medical profession because they want to take care of patients, not focus on administrative tasks. Yet these tasks continue to dominate their time and attention, leading to frustration and … Continued

Learn how AdvancedMD approaches telehealth in this interview with Tim Costantino

As part of the ongoing series of telehealth interviews with EHR vendors, John Lynn at Healthcare IT Today interviewed Tim Costantino, VP, Head of Product at AdvancedMD. In this series, Healthcare IT News talks with EHR vendors to better understand how they’re approaching telehealth. Are they developing telehealth in-house or are they relying on partners? … Continued

A Remarkably Smooth EPCS User Experience with DrFirst

It was just a few years ago that electronic prescribing of narcotics (EPCS) became legalized nationally. Many states are now considering mandating the use of EPCS for prescription management of controlled substances. Several states have initiated new regulations requiring EPCS along with National Registry Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) access requirements. You can research your … Continued

Unlock Untapped EHR Power

Many billing professionals are surprised to find that their search for cost-reducing, profit-boosting options for their practice may lead them to their own EHR. Our work with thousands of practices nationwide has pointed to these five EHR-based features and processes that are proven to quickly improve practice efficiency and profitability but are frequently overlooked by … Continued

3 Steps to Ensure Smooth Medical Billing with Every Patient

Medical billing is one of the most essential aspects of your clinic operations, but for small and independent clinics, it’s often one of the most overlooked. If you notice that your revenues are declining while you’re seeing the same or more patients, or that you are not able to collect on a significant portion of … Continued

Contracting & Credentialing: The often-neglected keys to practice success

Independent practices have been facing unprecedented challenges, especially in today’s pandemic-based reality. Two of the most fundamental aspects of starting and running a practice are often the aspects that most practices ignore: payer contracts and credentialing. Despite their essential nature many practices put these tasks last on their respective to-do lists, but there is a … Continued

How E-Prescribing Benefits Your Practice and Your Patients

Stop and think for a minute about the things that are taking up a significant amount of your clinical and front office staff’s time. Chances are, one of those things is phone calls related to medication refills. Medical practices have long operated with an extremely inefficient medication refill process where: Patients or pharmacy employees have … Continued

Health systems need to be flexible to recoup lost finances

American hospitals and health systems are facing financial struggles like never before. From the cancellation of non-emergency surgeries to disrupted supply chains and historically high unemployment rates resulting in higher numbers of uninsured patients, the pandemic has created tremendous financial turmoil. The strategy that more than 70% of hospitals and health systems are turning to … Continued

Reduce Operating Costs and Total Cost of Care with the Right EHR

Whether you are a small, independent practice or a large healthcare organization, there is a lot of focus on two factors related to costs: reducing your total operating costs as a healthcare provider, as well as reducing the total cost of caring for your patients. These things are often interrelated, and while EHR (electronic health … Continued