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Tips for streamlining your charting & improving clinical quality.

Reducing the Administrative Burden of EHR

Improving Efficiency without Overwhelming Physicians and Staff For years one of the primary complaints from physicians and administrative staff alike is the overwhelming burden of “administrative” tasks that both small and independent clinics and medium to large physician groups have to tackle. These tasks—which range from entering notes into the EHR to managing insurance claims … Continued

ePrescribing Potency Codes

AdvancedMD has partnered with Surescripts and the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs to modify our ePrescribing workflow to meet the new regulations. The new NCPDP SCRIPT 2017071 has a subset of Potency code standards required to be implemented by September 1, 2021. These codes are the units selected when writing a prescription and some … Continued

What are the economics of remote patient monitoring for your practice?

Medicare introduced reimbursement for RPM in 2019, making it no cost to most seniors with at least one chronic condition. Acknowledging the increased risks and challenges of medical office visits by seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic, CMS has recently made these notable changes.

2021 Summer Release Executive Overview Video

Our product team is excited to be back again on camera to introduce the highlights of the AdvancedMD 2021 Summer Release. Watch to learn how we’ve improved the user experience across nearly all product tiers. We give an overview of the new practice management and reporting enhancements.

2021 Summer Release Product Sheet

Faster, easier patient card framework. 2021 E&M coding tab on visit note. Provider-patient matching and enhanced online scheduling. These are just a few of the features that make up the AdvancedMD 2021 Summer Release.

7 Must-Have Technology Tools for Small & Independent Medical Offices

Medical technology has incredible potential to improve patient care, but much of the discussion about software tools for healthcare are centered around large hospital systems or large group practices with hundreds of physicians. These organizations operate very differently from a solo practitioner or a small or medium-size group practice. They also have significantly larger IT … Continued

Electronic Health Records

Learn about the entire electronic health records and clinical product suite of AdvancedMD in this downloadable product sheet. You’ll experience prioritized task donuts, patient cards, and our physician dashboard that unify all roles of your practice to improve clinical care while creating a more personal experience with patients.

30-day Guide to Seeing More Patients without Working More Hours

We’ve all got the same number of limited hours in every day, but clinics that make the most of that time by utilizing technology and automating processes can see more patients each day and earn more revenue without working any more hours. It can feel overwhelming to make changes to processes that you and your … Continued

Patient Pleaser Triple Play for 2021

Rising patient expectations and consumerism have been significant trends prior to 2020 and have grown exponentially with what seems like a second wind through the protracted pandemic recovery. We created this eBook to explain why patient behavior is following a consumer-behavior model. Inside you’ll learn why consumerism is being driven by escalating out-of-pocket costs and … Continued

AdvancedMD Overview

What would you do if you could practice from anywhere? And do anything? Without effort and without waiting? And everyone could stay connected? And patients loved their experience? Introducing your practice: automated, refined, evolved, with extraordinary outcomes. Watch the AdvancedMD overview video to learn how you can create a patient-centered practice with a complete cloud … Continued