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Best practices to improve patient payments


This 11-page PDF is our definitive patient payment collections guide. Originally released in 2014, this quintessential compilation of best-practices is our third edition (released in 2022) and has consistently been our top downloaded eBook year-over-year with more than 6,000 downloads.

Best Practices for Patient Payments: 20 years of Discovery and Refinement takes our 20-year history of helping practices optimize billing and collections. Over that time span, new technologies, process improvements, and in-the-trenches work with practices have been marshaled to find the right combination of factors that result in high collection rates simultaneous with high patient satisfaction scores.

We discuss the path to understanding the top three roadblocks to getting paid and share tips to overcome each. We outline a best-practices path more clearly toward efficient patient payment that can be implemented by any practice with focused, consistent execution. Here are three key roadblocks that consistently bubble up as the greatest inhibitors to an efficient patient payment solution:

  • Unrealistic patient expectations and attitudes regarding medical bill payment.
  • High-friction systems and processes within the practice that slow reimbursement collection, reduce total amounts received, and make the patient payment journey difficult and uninviting.
  • Internal sabotage. Many practices are their own worst enemies when it comes to collecting payment from patients because of lax policies and processes, inconsistent training and execution, and counter-productive language that pushes patients away.

Get this eGuide for free today to improve the patient payment portion of revenue collections.

Topic: EMR/EHR, Medical Billing | Content Type: eGuide

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