WebMD Care Directories
Patients can search provider profiles on both WebMD and Vitals.com by location, specialty, condition, and procedure–making it easier for them to find your practice with a free Basic Profile or a Featured Profile. With over 16 million unique monthly visitors, tap into unmatched visibility for your practice with the #1 Healthcare Network. To claim your free profile, fill out the form on the right.
What are Featured Profiles from WebMD Care Directories?
WebMD Care Directories’ health network consists of both WebMD and Vitals.com. With a Featured Profile you are syndicated onto Vitals. Featured Profiles put your practice in front of more patients and help you stand out from your competition. With a Featured Profile:
Attract Patients
Featured Profiles include a visit website link, a click-to-call button, and an optional telemedicine services button. In addition, Featured Profiles are prominently placed across both WebMD and Vitals directories.\
Drive More Patient Appointments
All Featured Profiles include a customizable Online Booking widget. With Online Booking you can choose appointment types, procedures, and embed the calendar widget onto your practice’s website.
Build Your Reputation
Capture 8x more reviews with Reputation Management. Now you can respond to patient reviews, receive alerts when new reviews are posted, and pin your most impactful reviews to the top of your profile.
Be Found in Search Results
Paid placement on our doctor directory ensures your practice gets noticed. When patients in your local area search for mental healthcare providers in your area, they’ll be shown your profile each time.
Increase Visibility to Your Practice
Help prospective new patients find you on the world’s top health websites. Your WebMD and Vitals profiles are probably already showing up near the top of Google search results, so make sure you control how your practice is being displayed.
Fill out the form on the right or learn more at https://go.webmdcare.com/AdvancedMD/learn-more.