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Telemedicine – AdvancedCQM – PI/MIPS – Reports – Prescriptions

Telemedicine (PM) Require Providers to Admit Attendees (Security Enhancement) To enhance the security in our Telemedicine feature, we have enabled a new setting in Zoom, the Waiting Room. This change requires the provider to Admit all attendees into the call. The admit process can be done directly after starting the session. If needed, the provider … Continued

Telemedicine (PM)

Telemedicine (PM) Update Zoom Settings To enhance the Telemedicine experience, we have updated the Play Enter/Exit Chime setting in the Zoom app to be selected by default. The chime will notify you when someone joins or exits the meeting.

Funding & COVID-19 Emergency Loans

Funding & COVID-19 Emergency Loans AdvancedMD has partnered with Heartland Capital, another Global Payments company, and Lendio, the nation’s largest and most trusted loan marketplace, to give you unprecedented access to capital. We hope this available resource can give you the boost you need, letting you focus on other aspects of your practice. Additionally, there … Continued

COVID-19 ICD-10 Code

COVID-19 ICD-10 Code (PM/EHR) Import COVID-19 ICD-10 Code (U07.1) You can now import the new COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ICD-10 code (U07.1) that goes into effect April 1, 2020. View the following for additional information: CDC March 18 2020 Announcement – CDC April 2020 Addendum – Information from AHA –

Telemedicine (PM)

Telemedicine (PM) Patient Portal – Access Telemedicine Appointments Patients can now access their telemedicine appointments from the Patient Portal if your practice has Online Scheduling and AdvancedTelemedicine. Patients must be logged in to their portal account to access their telemedicine appointment. Patients will be able to join the call according to the settings in the … Continued

PM/EHR/Mobile Updates

Patient Reporting (EHR) Help Combat COVID-19 We have created a variety of scenarios of how Patient Reporting can help your practice become proactive and combat COVID-19. The report results can be exported to Excel®. You can also double-click the patient in the report results to open the patient’s chart. Scenario 1 – Identify Patients Seen … Continued

Telemedicine Video Library

Telemedicine (PM/EHR/Mobile) Video Training Library We have updated the Telemedicine video. Video description: Due to social distancing, telemedicine has increased in usage. Our recently enhanced integrated Telemedicine module is a powerful tool to help you provide care for patients outside of your office, including those who need to remain at home. In this training, we … Continued

COVID-19 Coronavirus Templates

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Templates (EHR) We have added new templates to capture patient symptoms for communicable diseases, including COVID-19. The templates are in the Family/Primary and Urgent Care specialty folders in the EHR Template Library. Notes Visit – Telemedicine Communicable Disease This template is geared for assessing both respiratory and COVID-19 symptoms for use with our … Continued

Billing, Payment, Mobile App

Billing (PM) Provider Master File – Auto-fill Supervising Provider We have updated how the Supervising Provider on the Provider master files functions to help automate the billing process. Providers with a Claim/Rx Supervising Provider (formerly Rx Supervising Provider) assigned will now automatically have the Supervising Provider populated in the Extra Information screen. This update only … Continued

PI/MIPS, User Management, Review Bin

PI/MIPS (PM/EHR) Promoting Interoperability (PI/MIPS) Summary & Detail Reports – Select 2020 Promoting Interoperability Stage You can now select the 2020 Promoting Interoperability stage for the Promoting Interoperability (PI/MIPS) report. Health Information Exchange (HIE): Receiving and Incorporating – Improved Workflow for Meeting Measure Requirements in 2020 For 2020, we’ve updated and improved the workflow for … Continued

Mobile App (Mobile)

Mobile App (Mobile) Prescriptions – Access Prescription History You can now access prescription history from the prescriptions list on the All Prescriptions patient card. Scheduler – Removed the Hide Block/Hold setting We have removed the Hide Block/Hold setting because it is no longer needed.

CQM, Claims, Payments, Plans, Prescriptions, Reports

AdvancedCQM (PM/EHR) Automated Quality Payment Program Submission for Registry Measures We have partnered with Dynamic Health IT (DHIT), a qualified registry, so you can now submit MIPS CQM (Registry) measures to CMS directly from the AdvancedCQM module. Claims (PM) Extra Information – Submit Workers Comp Claim Information on Professional Paper Claim Forms You can now … Continued

“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”

Jed Shay, MD
The Pain Care Center

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“[Our] patients are very well-educated and well-informed, and they want to see results quickly. The practice has to run extremely efficiently and be accessible to them. The nice thing about [AdvancedMD] is it has allowed me to be more efficient both in and out of the office. Now I don’t have to come back into the office, which is great for my family and everything else. It saves me a lot of time – probably an hour a day on the three days I work in the second office.”

Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balanced Health

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Estaban Lavato, MD - La Loma Medical Center

“The best thing I ever did in private practice was getting AdvancedMD—it has liberated me.”

Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center

“Having integrated practice management and EHR is absolutely wonderful, you don’t have to flip back and forth between systems—all of your information is at hand when needed.”

Raju Raval, MD

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