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New Products & Features

Exclusions (PM)

Exclusions Information – Patient and Carrier Buttons
We have added Patient and Carrier buttons on the Exclusions Information screen so you
can access patient information and the Carriers master file directly from the Exclusions

Information screen to resolve the exclusion error.

  • Patient button – Opens the Patient Information tab for the associated patient
  • Carrier button – Opens the Carriers master file for the associated patient

Claims (PM)

Submitter Type – Test Mode Indicator
We have enhanced the Claims Submission Wizard so that when a claim is marked to run in
test mode in the Submitter Types master file the system displays [TEST MODE] in the
Claims Submission Wizard next to the selected submitter type.

Previously, no visual indicator was displayed if a submitter type was set to Test in the
Submitter Types master file.

Report Center (PM)

Report Center Menu Updates
We have color coded the report sections in the Report Center to correlate with the colors of
the corresponding PM toolbar content areas.

PM Toolbar Content Areas:

  • Blue – Demographics
  • Red – Appointments
  • Green – Billing
  • Orange – Claims Management (Electronic Exchange or Transfer)
  • Yellow – Reports

Carriers (PM)

Visit Number No Longer Appended for Certain CPIDs
To meet specific carrier requirements, the alpha character (included on the visit number to
differentiate the number of times the claim is billed) will now be stripped from claims for the
CPIDs listed below.

    Note: Currently, the PM appends each visit number on a claim with an alphabetic
    character in order to differentiate the instances a claim is billed or rebilled. Each time
    you rebill a claim, the alphabetic character will change to the next letter (e.g., 1234A,
    1234B, 1234C, etc.).

CPID 1402, 1410, and 1429

  • Professional electronic, X12 (5010 downloadable), and CMS 1500 paper claims

CPID 1513

  • l Institutional electronic and UB04 paper claims

Rx Renewal Requests (PM/EHR)

To improve workflow efficiency, we have changed the number of days pending renewal
requests are displayed in the Prescriptions Renewal Requests grid from 30 to 14, as most
pharmacies do not accept prescription renewal requests that are older than 14 days.

Report Center (PM)

Mail Merge Options Moved
The Patient Mail Merge and Collections Mail Merge options have been moved from the
Reports drop-down menu to the Utilities drop-down menu.
Go to the Utilities | Mail Merge drop-down menu to access and run these reports.

Previous to this update, the mail merge options were accessed in the Reports menu as

  • Reports | Patient Listings | Patient Mail Merge
  • Reports | A/R Control Center | Collections Mail Merge

AdvancedPatient Suite (PM/ EHR/ Mobile)

Required Signatures on Consent Forms
We have updated AdvancedPatient™ consent forms with a new required signature field,
[requiredsignature], to help your office capture needed signatures.

Use the required signature field to indicate when a patient must sign or decline to sign a
consent form.

Required signature fields are marked with a red asterisk.

Consent form templates are set up in Master Files | Templates | AdvancedPatient Forms | Patient Consent Forms in PM and in Admin | Templates | Patient Consent Form Templates in EHR.

Report Center (PM)

New Report Center
We are happy to announce the following updates to the Report Center:

  • The new Report Center has replaced the legacy Report Center.
  • Scheduling, AdvancedInsight, and the new Report Center display in the Reports
    drop-down menu.
  • All links in the Reports drop-down menu will open the new Report Center.
  • Flex reports, Inventory, and EMR reports are only available in Internet Explorer®.

Patient Demographics (PM)

Insurance Tab
We have added a new Patient Information display field on the Insurance tab that contains the patient’s name, date of birth, and social security number, so both insurance and patient information can be found on one screen.

Required signatures on consent forms

AdvancedPatient Suite (PM/EHR/Mobile)
We have updated AdvancedPatient™ consent forms with a new required signature field, [requiredsignature], to help your office capture needed signatures. Use the required signature field to indicate when a patient must sign or decline to sign a consent form.

New report center

Report Center (PM)
We are happy to announce the following updates to the Report Center:
• The new Report Center has replaced the legacy Report Center.
• Scheduling, AdvancedInsight, and the new Report Center display in the Reports drop-down menu.
• All links in the Reports drop-down menu will open the new Report Center.
• Flex reports, Inventory, and EMR reports are only available in Internet Explorer®.

Insurance tab

Patient Demographics (PM)
We have added a new Patient Information display field on the Insurance tab that contains the patient’s name, date of birth, and social security number, so both insurance and patient information can be found on one screen.