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Billing, Payment, Mobile App

Billing (PM)

Provider Master File – Auto-fill Supervising Provider

We have updated how the Supervising Provider on the Provider master files functions to help automate the billing process.

Providers with a Claim/Rx Supervising Provider (formerly Rx Supervising Provider) assigned will now automatically have the Supervising Provider populated in the Extra Information screen.

This update only affects charges entered after the change, and does not modify charges that were previously saved.

The Claim/Rx Supervising Provider still functions the same way for prescriptions.

Payments (PM)

ERA Rules Master File – Unapply/Reapply Patient Payment

To help reduce the number of patient payments that for various circumstances need to be unapplied and reapplied to post insurance payments, we have updated eRemittance rule #2 The Insurance Balance of at least one Charge is less than the Payment and the Write-off to be applied.

Now, if you set the rule to Yes and the insurance portion for a visit is less than the insurance payment, patient portions and patient monies applied to the visit will be reassigned and unapplied respectively to allow the insurance monies to be applied.

In cases where a secondary or tertiary carrier should be billed next, the patient portion will be moved to the insurance portion and assigned to the next carrier.

In cases where there is no secondary or tertiary carrier, and the responsible party is the next entity responsible for payment, any unpaid insurance portion will be assigned to the patient. Any patient money unapplied within this automated process will then be automatically applied to the patient balance, with any remaining patient money being left as an unapplied payment.

Mobile App (Mobile)

We have made the following updates to the mobile app:

  • Scheduler honors canceled/no-show system defaults.
  • Patient consent update.
  • Medication history import update.
  • AdvancedFax available in the mobile app.

Scheduler – Honors Canceled/No-show System Defaults

The mobile app Scheduler now honors the Display Canceled Appointments and Display No-show Appointments system defaults. When you select the system defaults in PM, canceled and no-show appointments display on the mobile app Scheduler.

Patient Consent – View and Record Patient Consent Update

We have updated the Patient Consent screen to include the following consent types:

  • Consent to Share Data
  • Consent to Share Data with HIEs

As part of this update the Patient Consent button has been separated from the Medication History button on the patient Facesheet.

Patient Consent in the mobile app works the same as it does in EHR.

Medication History Import – New Facesheet Access and Screen Design

Medication History Import Facesheet Access
You can now access the Medication History Import screen from the Facesheet.
A badge displays the number of medications that can be imported.

Medication History Import Screen Design Update

We have updated the Import Medication History screen with a new look that makes it easier to view and use.

You can import medications into a patient chart that were prescribed by other physicians as current or historic, or decline to import.

Import Medications to the Patient Chart

Medications that can be imported display in the Available for Import, and current medications in the patient chart display in the Current Medications.

  1. Tap a medication you want to import to the patient chart and select a status. The medication is highlighted with a color depending on the status selected.
  2. Repeat until all medications you want to import have a status selected.
  3. Click Save.

AdvancedFax – Use AdvancedFax in the Mobile App

We are excited to announce that you can now use AdvancedFax in the mobile app to fax patient chart information and other items.

AdvancedFax in the mobile app works the same as it does in PM/EHR.

Fax a Chart Item

  1. Tap Fax to add the item to the fax Inbox and open a preview of the item in the fax Preview tab.
  2. Tap the AdvancedFax tab to open the fax Inbox where you can fax the item. AdvancedFax in the mobile app works the same way as in EHR/PM.

Lab Results – Print Lab Results

You can now print lab results in the mobile app.

Print Lab Results

  1. Tap Print.
  2. Select printer options and tap Print.

Video Training Library (EHR)

The following videos have been updated:

  • Template Library
    Includes new Patient Chart in EHR and updates to the Template Library.
  • ePrescribing
    Includes new Patient Chart in EHR and shows Timeline View (Coming Soon).