Are you ready for ICD-10? Start preparing by attending our in-depth webinars. Subscribe today to the ICD-10 website to be informed of upcoming webinars and get quick access to amazing ICD-10 resources!
The ICD-10 Posse has already offered 4 webinars to help you get ready for the big transition. You can access the slide decks and listen to the webinar recordings on our ICD-10 website. Here is a quick recap of the presentations in case you missed out:
ICD-10 Implementation Trail Map Webinar:
This webinar will get you started with the specific actions you will need to take for the ICD-10 transition. You will be introduced to AdvancedMD’s tools and our step-by-step process to guide you through all the key phases of a successful ICD-10 Implementation. Missed the webinar? Access the Trail Map Guide, Slide Deck and Webinar Recording on our ICD-10 Website.
On the Trail of ICD-10: How to Build a Plan and Define a Budget and Timeline for Your Practice:
This session will cover how to perform an impact assessment to identify your current state as it relates to people, processes and technologies.
Once you have identified the key elements of your transition plan, our tool provides guidelines to help you capture budget requirements and timelines for executing your ICD-10 transition plan. Listen to the recording and read the slide deck presentation.
AAPC – The Impact of ICD-10
Betty Hovey with the AAPC provides an overview of changes due to ICD-10, highlighting what you should be doing now in terms of ICD-10 preparation. You will gain an understanding of the impact of new specificity requirements on patient visit documentation and see examples of how to respond to the new requirements.
As an AdvancedMD client, you get a discount from the AAPC on ICD-10 training and education materials. Access the recording and slide deck today!
How to Use AdvanceMD PM Software to Prepare Your Practice for ICD-10
This webinar assists you in leveraging the practice management system to its fullest potential during this major transition. It covers how to identify the top diagnosis codes in your practice and tips on how to use this information to review and plan for needed changes to your current charge slips and clinical documentation. Top carrier and best practice reports are also highlighted to monitor before, during, and after the ICD-10 transition to help your practice achieve its highest revenue potential. View the recording and slide deck for more details.