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Practice management software for e-prescribing controlled substances safely



e-Prescribing is the law in New York, effective March 27, 2016. It’s the first state to require and enforce e-prescribing with penalties and fines on doctors who don’t comply. The new law was created in response to the growing problem of prescription drug abuse. The law began in 2013–known as the iStop law–with a registry that doctors could check before prescribing a controlled substance to look for signs of potential opioid abuse. It was designed to prevent overprescribing and the overdoses that were becoming a public health problem in the state.

New York sees the value & safety e-prescribing brings to patient care, and so does AdvancedMD.
AdvancedMD partnered with DrFirst–the first company in the nation with certified electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS) solution–and built a robust, balanced and integrated product especially for small independent practices.

Prescribing controlled substances requires stringent security and tracking because of the high potential for abuse, which can lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. AdvancedEPCS helps small private practices track prescriptions of DEA Schedule II-V drugs with software that’s easy to use and implement.

  • Integrates into AdvancedEHR so you get a full audit history, including prescription fill & refill status
  • Links to more than 14,000 certified pharmacies across 44 states
  • Ties into the electronic pharmacy system that supports the PMP network
  • Easily spot patients attempting to shop for doctors who will prescribe Schedule II-V narcotics
  • 2-Factor authentication gives authorized physicians access through multiple layers of security: hard & soft tokens, and passphrases
  • Automatic tracking & reporting that meets CDC guidelines as well as DEA and state requirements
  • DEA-mandated daily audit trail & reporting
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Easily integrates with AdvancedPM practice management software

Having an electronic solution to ePrescribing controlled substances protects you from the fraud and abuse that can occur if your prescription pad is stolen or your prescriptions are altered or forged. You’ll also be ready in the event you are audited with convenient reporting.

For more information on how AdvancedMD helps you control opioid abuse, watch our informative webinar, “How EPCS Reduces Opioid Abuse & Improves Patient Safety.”

AdvancedMD offers cloud-based software solutions that simply make managing your practice easier. To learn what we can do for your practice, contact a representative at 800-825-0224 or go to

Topic: EMR/EHR

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