Improve productivity with our mobile EHR app. Practice from anywhere.
Our easiest way to utilize practice & clinical data from the convenience of the iPad...
10 ICD-10 codes so perfect for Halloween it’s scary
The big CMS announcement of yet another delay in the ICD-10 conversion gave many private...
Celebrating Independent Private Practices Nationwide
The high cost of running a practice, the increased wave of patients along with a...
3 Practice-perfecting perks found only on the cloud
Alright, we have all heard the hype about the cloud. It’s supposed to solve...
Introducing clinical additions to AdvancedMD on the iPad
Our latest release gives you total access to your EHR templates and note capture capabilities....
Use AdvancedMD Webinars to Prepare for ICD-10
Are you ready for ICD-10? Start preparing by attending our in-depth webinars. Subscribe today to the...
5010 in the Rearview Mirror
I have spent the past couple months reflecting, watching claim statistics across our client base...
PayPros Partnership
Over the years, AdvancedMD and our clients have enjoyed many partnerships. As I look back...
HITECH, ARRA, ACA, & Meaningful Use
There has been some controversy surrounding the recently passed Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare”, with...
5010, AdvancedMD & You!
What is 5010? HIPAA legislation mandates that the healthcare industry Covered Entities1 use standard file...